How to Use PECO Price to Compare to Find the Best Electricity Deals

peco price to compare

Your peco price to compare electric bill includes a lot of information that may seem confusing, but it can help you better understand your energy usage and rates. The key is to break down your charges into two categories — the delivery charge and the supply charge. The delivery charges are set by the utility and approved by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC). The supply charge is what you pay for the electricity that actually flows through your meter. This is where you can save with competitive retail suppliers through the PUC’s online PA PowerSwitch.

The supply charge makes up about half of a residential customer’s total bill and can be purchased through a competitive retail electricity supplier or directly from the utility. PECO updates its Price to Compare on a quarterly basis, which allows you to make apples-to-apples comparisons of offers from competing energy companies.

Understanding PECO’s Price to Compare: How to Evaluate and Optimize Your Energy Costs

Electricity prices are rising across the state. According to the PUC, PECO’s delivery rate will increase 8.1% on December 1, while PPL Electric in suburban Philadelphia will decrease its default service rate by 17%. These increases are a result of higher natural gas costs that are needed to generate electricity.

If you’re considering switching to a competitive electricity supplier, you should be aware that there may be cancellation fees associated with the contract. You can check your supplier’s terms and conditions on the PA PowerSwitch website before making a decision. The good news is that when you switch to a new supplier, the PUC requires your utility to automatically contact your new provider and the transfer usually takes place during the next meter reading date with no interruption in service.

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